أسعد العزوني… بتنا إثنين من الذين فرمتنا سكين لوبيات الضغط اليهودي في واشنطن ، رغم بكبكتهم حول حرية الرأي والتعبير وخدعة الغرب بهذه المسميات التي لا تسمن ولا تغني من جوع، لأن الغرب المسيحي نفسه مكمم الأفواه ومن يجرؤ على توجيه النقد لمستعمرة إسرائيل ، يتم تقديمه للمحاكمة وفي المقدمة الفليلسوف الفرنسي المسلم روجيه غارودي وآخرون. بالأمس القريب ضغط مركز الضغط اليهودي “معهد بحوث ودراسات الشرق الأوسط الإعلامية – ميمري “،الذي أسسه ضباط في الموساد الإسرائيلي عام 1997 في واشنطن ، بالضغط على الأردن لفصلي من عملي بعد أن نشرت مقالا في جريدة العرب اليوم بعنوان “إسرائيل والسلام لا يتفقان”،قبل أن تنهار بعد فصلي ، وخيروا الجهات المعنية بيني وبين المساعدات الأمريكية ، وكان الإختيار بطبيعة الحال ، فصلي من عملي ، دون الأخذ بعين الإعتبار مفاهيم السيادة الوطنية وحرية التعبير التي يتشدق بها الجميع. واليوم ضغط هذا المركز أيضا على إدارة السي إن إن الأمريكية ، لطرد مذيعها المخضرم السيد جيم كلانسي الذي خدم في هذه المحطة 34 عاما وغطى أحداثا مهمة مثل حرب الخليج وإنهيار جدار برلين ، والسبب في ذلك أنه غرد في تويتر ، أكرر في تويتر، ولم يتحدث على الشاية بما يلي:”الرسوم الكاريكاتورية لم تسخر من النبي محمد ،وإنما سخرت من من الذين يحاولون تشويه كلامه ..إنتبهوا”، وفي تغريدة ثانية قال :”إن الدعاية الإسرائيلية تتحمل جزءا من المسؤولية في الهجوم على صحيفة شارلي إيبدو الفرنسية الساخرة”. وفورا طلبته إدارة السي إن إن وطلبت منه شطب تغريدتيه ،ومن ثم تقديم إستقالته…ولا أملك إلا أن أقول :تحيا خزعبلات حرية التعبير والقيم الغربية والعداء للسامية ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! وتاليا مقالي الذي ترجمه “ميمري “ووزعه على الجهات العالمية المختصة لزوم البكبكة ، ونصه باللغة العربية ، وعنوانه:إسرائيل والسلام لا يتفقان: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Jordanian op-ed sets record for amount of anti-semitism in one article This columnist in Jordan’s Al Arab al Yawm, Asad al-Azzouni, manages to hit every major anti-semitic stereotype about Jews – and create a couple of new ones – in a pretty short op-ed. MEMRI gives us the translation: Israel is a peace rejectionist. That much is obvious. But what people don’t know is the reason for this – namely, that Jews and peace are generally incompatible. [The Jews] are the epitome of corruption, and this is what caused the Christian West to commit inhuman acts [against them] and to violate international laws. I am referring to the [West’s] scheme to expel the Palestinians from their land and hand it over to the Jews as their national homeland… The Christian West was repulsed by the Jews, their plots, their licentiousness and their [practice of exacting] usury, and decided to get rid of them, not knowing that they would encircle the whole West in a Christian-Zionist noose, bind everyone in shackles of humiliation and control, and pass freedom-limiting laws, such as the law [against] antisemitism. None of the wars and conflicts in the world would have started if it weren’t for the Jews, who scheme in the darkness to start fires in [various] countries and instigate conflict among people. What is written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is perhaps [the best] proof that they [work to] prevent peace from prevailing between the ruler and his subjects. They form groups that establish ties with both sides and incite each against the other, warning the ruler against his citizens and [at the same time] urging the citizens: ‘rise up against your oppressive ruler.’ It was the Jews who invented the position of secretary – in order to create a buffer between bosses and their subordinates… [They also invented] the legal profession in order to exonerate oppressors and oppress the innocent. They are behind all [forms of] corruption, and they are not happy unless they are [instigating] wars. The Jews cannot live with others, regardless of their identity, and that is why they invented [their] ghettos and fortresses. During their heyday in Europe, they lived in special neighborhoods of their own, and in the Arabian Peninsula, before the advent of Islam, they lived in fortified compounds, which explains why [today] they choose to build their West Bank settlements on the tops of the hills and the mountains. Their tanks and [fighter] jets also [serve them as] fortresses. The way they arm and equip themselves indicates the extent of their cowardice… But in confrontations without tanks and jets, they are transformed from ferocious lions into helpless rabbits. This was clearly evident in the [1968] Battle of Karama [in Jordan], in the battles in South [Lebanon] and during the siege on Beirut. May God curse those who strengthened [the Jews] while weakening themselves. For Israel, war is an opportunity to gain sympathy by any means. During the 1960s, there was a German film which showed 22 men dressed as Arabs, armed with swords and [other] weapons, surrounding a beautiful half-naked girl who was crying for help. At the end of the film, a caption appeared saying ‘Save Israel’! [When] the lights came on in the theatre, pretty half-naked girls would pass [through the audience] with collection boxes labeled ‘Donate to Israel!’… They twist every situation to their own advantage, [including] statements by Arab and Muslim leaders… They market [these statements] to the West as threats against Israel, and the West – which fears that the Arabs might defeat Israel, forcing [the Jews] to return to their [countries] of origin – is thus forced to support Israel, materially, morally and politically. Israel understands very well that if it allows the Arabs’ […]
